Thursday, 19 February 2009

Mimicry vs. Darwin

As illustrated before, the Mantis is an expert in mimicry. This mimicry is something that I went to research more and decided to make his my main subject for my graduation project for two reasons:

1. Because of the fascinating shapes insects come up with to blend in their surrounding or pretend to be a different animal (I'll go deeper into that later on).

2. Because I found out 2009 is the year of Darwin. I think this could be a big opportunity to combine my project with a museum or event somewhere this year. For example there is a Darwin Festival in Cambridge in the beginning of July, this would be an awesome place to show my work! The evolution theory fits perfect with this mimicry.

I was thinking maybe to extend the mimicry evolution to the future where insects start to imitate human objects to blend in the world humans are taking over from nature. If I could present my work at the University of Cambridge that would probably mean I have to let go of my other location, the lost places, but I don't mind. On the other hand, if the Darwin Festival goes through, I would be finished in July, leaving me enough time for a second opportunity and after all project in a different location (i.e. lost place). What ever I do, videomapping is a technique that I still want to use for both possibilities.

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